Despre mine

Fotografia mea
Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don't limit myself.(Jim Carrey)

joi, 25 februarie 2010

30 minutes to finally decide

I wanna decide about growing up,but now my choises have a lot of promises behind which are not really real..So I hope in the near future I'll decide about what I wanna be,must be,will be and what I am. Unfortunately,at this moment,I'm a teenager lost in dreams which are soo damned and pink that I can not face all my friends ideas in my head. I need some free space for thinking and some good friends to enjoy this short life we have.
Decide...Decide..Come on! What's the greatest thing you can do in life? I think "having fun" it's the answer.
We all must decide on having a good time and trying to live all the days of our life like we should be heros on a great race of passion and happiness.

In more 30 minutes I'll decide about who I am.
so ... Who am I ?

marți, 23 februarie 2010

Sunny Spring Is Coming !

It's such a sunny day. I'm organizing my time to spend it all alone in the sun waterfall. I love spring time :x

Ride it ! I wanna ride my bicycle! Moutainbike races are coming your way. So forget all your duties,ouh yeay

Sunny Day

luni, 22 februarie 2010

Arges Winter Race [a botezat inceputul unui nou sezon]

Weekendul acesta am luat parte la prima editie a concursului "Arges Winter Race" in parcul Trivale,Pitesti.Am ajuns dimineata,in jurul orei 9,am ridicat numarul si am dat o tura de recunoastere,surpriza maxima a fost noroiul care depasea cu totul asteptarile mele.Am zis "Haide totusi...pot",asa ca am luat startul la 11:30 traseu in schimb am intampinat greutati cum ar fi coborarile destul de usoare la prima vedere,dar care din cauza zapezii si noroiului erau tare alunecoase.Dupa ce am parcurs aproape tot traseul pe jos,prin mocirla am decis sa mai incerc pe bike si am reusit.

Aproape de finish,frana de spate mi-a cedat ,dar am continuat cursa.Pe ultima coborare insa,am picat de vreo 3 ori in mocirla,astfel ca la finish am ajuns cu roata de spate iesita,fara frana si tare murdara.

M-am distrat foarte tare,m-am amuzat pe traseu cu numerosi biciclisti care faceau glume pe seama baltoacelor pana la genunchi si nu in ultimul rand am revazut multi prieteni.Felicitari organizatorilor si sponsorilor care au sustinut aceasta cursa,in ciuda insistentelor FRCT.Felicitari pentru o organizare foarte buna si o numesc asa ,deoarece am ramas uimita cum inca din Pitesti am fost indrumati catre locul desfasurarii cursei.Numai cuvinte de lauda pot aduce cursei.Formatia care a cantat a fost superba,chiar credeam la un moment dat ca a venit Holograf . Felicitari!Pentru numerosii fotografi care au imortalizat momentele frumoase in care "inotam" prin noroi.Multumim pentru aceste poze care vor strabate timpul si ne vor amuza.

Pe langa faptul ca m-am distrat,am aparut si la televizor spre uimirea prietenilor care m-au vazut si a familiei care m-a sustinut in tot ceea ce priveste aceasta cursa.

                  Concurs de Moutain Bike - Antena 1

Multumim pentru o zi superba de primavara si pentru faptul ca nu a-ti abandonat o cursa din cauza amenintarilor!
Imi pare rau pentru legitimatii care nu au fost lasati sa participe si sa se distreze la aceasta cursa.Dar ....
Ne vedem la viitoarele curse.!

vineri, 19 februarie 2010

Togheter or...not togheter

I wanna see the smile shining soo bright...I wanna feel your eyes looking at me...I wanna join the damage of loving you, you see? I wanna break my memories from past,and live in present for the near future coming.
What is love ?
Our favorite description of love is from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin:

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

-St. Augustine

Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it.

sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2010

I feel isolated...Don't wanna communicate.

What do I feel? I feel a big hole in my mind,in my heart and in my soul. I feel empty like a bottle on the sea.I have many memories,but none of them makes me feel OK right now. What the fuck happens to me? I really can't figure it out.I just feel like I can't say what I wish or what I want. This is a big shit! Every single day of my life I knew what I should do in my life,but now,now it's like all the greatest things falled down and my mind with them.I can't join any crew,any group,any friendships. I'm soo fucking alone,that I scream and feel like nobody hears me anymore. I scream like for myself, but I still dream that I can't do it anymore.

Is this a bad dream or smth? What the fuck should I do?

I'm getting nervous. I must be ...someone. But who? Who am I? Am I a girl who knows what to say? Am I a bitch who walks her dog? Am I a girl that rocks everyone to say "Hell,yea"? I don't realize who I am. Can I get any help? Nobody cares. So! Fucking shit! I feel isolated...Don't wanna communicate.Feeling frustrated,unconscious,like dreaming and something like stupid.I feel isolated,irritated and totally eclipsed.

Down in soul streets. It's just one day with teenage crises.